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Thursday, 24 June 2010

Useless Police

At some point back I wrote a post complaining about how I watched an astoundingly useless attempt by police not wearing body armour to arrest an amphetamine criminal in a car at traffic lights. Having approached with no weapon drawn, while halfway into the car the officer attempting the arrest was shot and later died, and the criminal fled.

My suggestion was that when police are trying to arrest someone selling a drug which some 2,000-3,000 people were extra-judicially executed for involvement with 5 years back and which at the best of times carries heavy jail time, and that drug is one which reportedly makes people go nuts and one can assume the criminal is using his merchandise, and one is in a country where firearms are widely available... they should TAKE CAUTION.

The nice explanation given on the news after this incident where army officers wearing body armour approached a vehicle with weapons drawn obviously hasn't filtered down. Today on the 19:40 news the  police had found a shop that was apparently being used for amphetamine distribution with a hostile criminal inside (though I didn't catch all of the info on that). With the crowd standing a safe 2 metres back, an armed policeman not wearing body armour approached the metal elevator-style grill of the shop and started trying to kick it open (Thai people are usually stronger than metal so I don't know why it didn't work in this case, which may just be an exceptional mishap). Doing this exposed himself the criminal who promptly shot him.

People like to have a good moan about how corrupt and useless the Thai police are, but look at the system they work in. Low wages, poor equipment budgets, (lethally) poor training, silly hats, and most importantly a deeply entrenched culture of financial corruption and lack of accountability and transparency that goes to the very top. This environment is undoubtedly going to attract people who are not aiming to be bastions of justice, and it's going to let them get away with it. This is at the expense of the average person and society and the nation as a whole.

I've always generally been a pro-police person (being anti-police in the UK seems an untenable position to me) but apart from discovering that large amounts of some sort of garlic mixed with chicken makes me vomit and that I actually like being sober, living in Thailand has made me appreciate the British police much more. They're not perfect and there is massive room for improvement, but they're a damn sight better than what you get elsewhere!

I won't be updating this blog any more - go to The Penang Blog to see my new and exciting Malaysia blog!


Mr Gray said...

British police may be "better", and take more precautions, and safer etc....


Thai police sound (by reading this) to be the real John McClaine (Die Hard), just running through the streets firing bullets behind their heads, shooting into crowds hoping to hit the criminal. kicking open doors and running in shooting, Telling their commanding officer (who is due to retire tomorrow), that they dont follow the rules, and that if they want rules, they cant have him. Then the cop (who we will call Kim) and the commander pursue a drug lord through the streets, onto a boat, before going up a ramp and landing onto of a truck carrying potatoes, and lots of potato related stunts happen. They then catch the criminal by throwing a bed sheet over his head from a street lamp. Whilst the commander and kim are hugging and toasting there success, a rogue baddie shoots commander from a distance, then on his last day before retirement, he dies. Kim cries, and goes to the funeral, where he seems ot know every member of commanders family, and manages to make some jokes here and there. And he walks off into the sunset to a 1980's rock ballad!


Penang Blogger said...

You've actually painted a picture of almost exactly what I saw yesterday in downtown Bangkok! Unfortunately, for the one Maverick Detective Kim, there seem to be 10,000 usual cops who just get shot in their faces. :(

Penang Blogger said...

And I find that sad :(

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